This is a 20 Hour Online Instructor Classroom
MODULE 1: Protractor – Introduction and Features
* Introduction to Protractor framework
* Understanding the Advantages of Protractor
* Understanding Protractor as a Solutions Integrator for Testing
* Understanding Protractor as an End to End Testing Solution
* Learning Protractors supports Selenium WebDriver, Jasmine, Cucumber and Mocha
* Protractor for Angular and Non Angular Applications testing
* Appreciate the Features of Protractor – Cross Browser Testing, Parallel Execution, Headless Browser Testing
MODULE 2: Protractor – Essentials
* Installing Protractor
- Learning to install Protractor on Windows
- Installing Node.JS
- Setting Up the Environment
- Selecting the IDE
- Installing required Plugins
- Writing and executing a sample test
* Understanding Selenium Webdriver role in Protractor
* Understanding the Protractor Architecture
* Understanding the Configuration File
* Understanding the Spec File
* Configuring using the conf.js file
* Learning about the Describe Block
* Learning about the it-Block
* Understanding Expect in Protractor
* Working with Matcher Functions
MODULE 3: Protractor – Commands and Promises
* Learning Protractor Promises
- Understanding Promises in Protractor
- Understanding the Importance of Promises
- Implementing Promises
- Understanding Promise Chaining
- Using then to implement Promise Chaning
* Understanding Protractor Commands
* Understanding various types of Protractor Commands
* Working with Browser Commands – Browser API
* Exploring various important Browser Commands
* Working with Browser Window Commands
* Working with Browser Navigation Commands
* Understanding Element Finder
- Understanding Web Elements
- Finding Elements and Sub Elements
- Using Locator and Evaluate Functions
- Cloning Web Elements
- Understanding the Equals Functions
MODULE 4: Protractor – Integrating Jasmine
* Introduction to Jasmine
* Understanding the BDD Feature of Jasmine
* Understanding the BDD Architecture
* Learning Jasmine Commands
- Understanding Suite
- Understanding Matchers
- Working with Equality and Inequality Check
- Working with Boolean Check
- Using beforeEach and afterEach
* Creating and Executing Test Suites
MODULE 5: Protractor – Testing Angular Applications: End to End
* Understanding Angular Testing
* Understanding Angular Application Life Cycle
* Learning about Units in Angular
* Using Protractor to Test Angular Applications
* Working with Angular Locators
- Finding Elements
- Using By.Model
- Using By.ButtonText
- Using By.ID
- Using By.ClassName
- Using By.Binding
- Using By.addlocators
- Using By.repeator
- Using and By.tagname
- Using By.linktest
* Working with Wrapper Classes
* Performing End to End Angular Testing
* Testing User Interactions using Simulations
* Generating Reports
- Using HTML Reporter2
- Using Maven to Generate Reports
* Performing End to End Angular Testing